Transmutation and Alchemy Practices

A Collection of Gnostic Transmutation and Alchemy Practices  



Pranayama is a method to transmute creative energy that relies on a combination of sexual chastity (restraint or containment of sexual energy), concentration, imagination, and breathing. The word pranayama comes from Sanskrit and is composed of:

  • prana: life-principle; the breath of life; energy
  • ayama: restraint or control 

Although anyone can utilize pranayama techniques, they are most important for pratitioners who are single. 

"Pranayama is a system of sexual transmutation for single persons." - Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book 

"Prana is the purifying fire that cleans the scoria which plugs the nadis. The veils of Rajas [passion] and Tamas [darkness] are dissipated with the sexual transmutation in Pranayama. The mind of the student is prepared for Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi with the practice of Pranayama. The disciple should practice Pranayama ten minutes daily. The disciple should drink a glass of milk or eat any light food after he finishes the practice. The disciples can also practice while standing firm on their feet. The disciple should slowly inhale and exhale with his mind very well concentrated in his practice of Pranayama." - ------- Kundalini Yoga, Samael Aun Weor 

“Sex can liberate or enslave the human being. No one can attain integrity, no one can be deeply Self-realized, without sexual energy. Sex is the power of the Soul.”

-Alchemy and Kabbalah in the Tarot, Samael Aun Weor







A Transmutation Practice: Ham-Sah (Transmutation)





There are diverse esoteric systems for transmuting the seminal entity into sexual energy. Certainly, the most powerful one (the Arcanum A.Z.F.) has to be performed by a man and a woman - we are talking specifically about the Sahaja Maithuna, sexual yoga, White Tantra; elsewhere we will give all the details for that practice. Now, for the moment we are going to explain an exercise that can be practiced by single people as well as by those who are married. I am going to tell you the technique just now; please pay attention... 

Sit down comfortably: the eastern way (cross-legged) or the western way (on a comfortable armchair).

Relax your bodies as children do. 

Inhale deeply, very slowly, and imagine that the creative energy rises through the spermatic channels up to the brain.

Mentally pronounce the mantra HAM like this: HAAAAAAAMM. 

Exhale, short and quick, as you pronounce aloud the mantra SAH: SAAAAHH... 

Undoubtedly, you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While inhaling, you “mantralize” the sacred syllable HAM (mentally, since you are inhaling through the nose); but you can articulate the syllable SAH with sound while you exhale. 

The marvelous symbol that in the East makes the chaotic waters of life fertile is Ham-Sah, the Third Logos. 

Usually, the sexual forces flow outwards from the inside in a centrifugal way and that is why there are nocturnal emissions; when you have a dream based on the Sexual Center, there occurs an emission, a loss of sacred sperm or spermatic liquor... 

If one organizes one’s vital systems and instead of propitiating the centrifugal system, uses the centripetal system, that is, if one makes the sexual forces flow inwards from the outside through transmutation, then there are no emissions even if there may be erotic dreams. 

One needs to organize one’s sexual forces if one wants to avoid emissions; such forces are closely linked with one’s nourishment, with the prana, with life - that is obvious. Therefore there is a profound relation between one’s sexual forces and one’s breathing, so that when both are duly combined and harmonized, they bring about fundamental changes in one’s physical and psychological anatomy. 

To make the sexual energies “re-flow” inwards and upwards in a centripetal way is what matters; only thus is it possible to produce a specific change in the office and functions that the sexual creative force can fulfil. During meditation one needs to imagine the creative energy in action, making the energy rise to the brain in a rhythmic, natural way by means of vocalizing the mantra HAM-SAH, not forgetting to synchronize the inhalations and exhalations of air in perfect concentration, harmony and rhythm. 

Let us make it clear that inhalation has to be deeper than exhalation simply because we need to make the creative energy flow inwards from the outside; that is, we need to make exhalation shorter than inhalation. 

With this practice there comes a moment when all the energy flows inwards and upwards. Clearly, the creative energy so organized - in a centripetal way - becomes an extraordinary instrument for the Essence, a means to awaken consciousness. 

I am teaching you genuine White Tantra; this is the practice used by the Tantric Schools in the Himalayas and the Hindustan; this is the practice through which one can achieve Ecstasy or Samadhi, or whatever you want to call it. 

They have spoken much about the Illuminating Void and clearly we can experience it ourselves. It is in that Void where we can find the Laws of Nature as they are in themselves and not as they seem to be. In this physical world we only see the mechanism of causes and effects but we do not know the Laws of Nature in themselves, whereas in the Illuminating Void we can recognize them in a simple, natural way, just as they are. 

We have been told that a suction pump is needed in order to form a void; we have such a pump in the spinal column and the channels Ida and Pingala through which the creative energy rises to the brain. We have also been told that a dynamo is needed; we have that in our brains and strength of will. Finally in any technique, obviously there must be a generator; fortunately, our generator is the creative organs, sex, the sexual force. 

Having the system and all the elements, we can form the Illuminating Void; the pump, the dynamo and the generator are the elements that we need in order to achieve the Illuminating Void in meditation. Only through the absolute Void can we get to know that which is real. 

In fact, the Illuminating Void is produced because the creative energies flowing inwards from the outside, impregnating the consciousness and eventually making it leave the ego and the body. Extracted from the ego as if out from a bottle, in the absence of ego and outside the physical body, the consciousness undoubtedly goes into the Illuminating Void and receives the Tao. 

Therefore, the creative energy combined with meditation serves to awaken the consciousness. Unquestionably, it draws the consciousness out from the ego and into absorption in the Illuminating Void. 

Meditation combined with Tantra is tremendous. HAM-SAH is the key... 

Editor’s Note: Samael Aun Weor explains in other lectures that women should not practice transmutation exercises while menstruating. 

-Gnostic Teachings




The disciple places himself in a chair or on the floor with his face directed towards the East.

With complete devotion and sincerity the disciple prays to his Divine Mother that she might awaken him, awaken his Kundalini.

The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line.

Do not lean your body to the side, nor to the front, nor to the hack.

The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural form.

The mind of the disciple should be directed towards his innermost, his Divine Mother, loving her, adoring her.

Close your eyes so that the matters from the physical world do not distract you.

Cover or close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand.

Vocalizing mentally the mantra “TON”. At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of the left nostril.

Now, close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. hold your breath, retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the temple of Ephesus (chakra situated in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) to awaken Kundalini and pronounce mentally the mantra “SA”.

Exhale now slowly from the right nostril vocalizing mentally the mantra “HAM”.

Now close the left nostril with the index finger.

Inhale the life, the Prana through the right nostril vocalizing mentally the mantra “TON”. Close both of your nostrils with the index finger and the thumb and retain the breath and vocalize mentally the mantra “RA”. Send the Prana to the magnetic centre of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.

Exhale slowly through the left nostril vocalizing mentally the mantra “HAM”.

This constitutes one complete Pranayama.

Repeat this complete process 6 more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).

The devotee will kneel on the ground.

Once he is on the ground the devotee places the palms of his hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.

Prostrated on the ground, with his body inclined forward, with his head facing the east, and filled with supreme veneration he then places his forehead on his hands, in Egyptian style.

Next the disciple with his powerful creative word vocalizes the Mantra “RA”, the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.

-Yellow Book, Samael Aun Weor




The disciple places herself in a chair or on the floor with her face directed towards the East.

With complete devotion and sincerity the disciple prays to her Divine Mother that she might awaken her, awaken her Kundalini.

The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line.

Do not lean your body to the side, nor to the front, nor to the back.

The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural form.

The mind of the disciple should be directed towards her innermost, her Divine Mother, loving her, adoring her.

Close your eyes so that the matters from the physical world do not distract you.

Cover or close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Vocalizing mentally the mantra “TON”. At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of the right nostril.

Now, close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. hold your breath, retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the temple of Ephesus (chakra situated in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) to awaken Kundalini and pronounce mentally the mantra “SA”.

Exhale now slowly from the left nostril vocalizing mentally the mantra “HAM”.

Now close the right nostril with the thumb.

Inhale the life, the Prarma through the left nostril vocaliztng mentally the mantra “TON”. Close both of your nostrils with the index finger and the thumb and retain the breath and vocalize mentally the mantra “RA”. Send the Prana to the magnetic centre of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.

Exhale slowly through the right nostril vocalizing mentally the mantra “HAM”.

This constitutes one complete Pranayama.

Repeat this complete process 6 more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).

The devotee will kneel on the ground.

Once she is on the ground the devotee places the palms of her hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.

Prostrated on the ground, with her body inclined forward, with her head facing the east, and filled with supreme veneration she then places her forehead on her hands, in Egyptian style.

Next the disciple with her powerful creative word vocalizes the Mantra “RA”, the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.

The preceding are all the steps of Egyptian Pranayania.

The mantra RA has the power to vibrate the Kundalini and the chakras, the result being the awakening of the mentioned chakras.

The mantras of Pranayama are TON – SAH – HAM; TON – RAH - HAM.

With this Pranayama the Kundalini can be awakened.

With Pranayama we can come out of the darkness and become illuminated.

With this Pranayama we can disintegrate laziness and dullness.

-Yellow Book, Samael Aun Weor 




First position: The devotee of the path must imitate the position of the toad while situated on the floor.

Second Position: The devotees must lie down on their back, on the bed or on the floor, with their trunk or midsection elevated higher than the head. They must then inhale and inflate their lungs as if they were an angry toad.

Mental attitude of the First Position: With willpower and imagination united in vibrating harmony, the Gnostic student must identify himself with a toad that is within a rivulet of the pure waters of life. Her must also join his willpower and imagination in order to make his sexual energy rise from his sexual organs to the sacred chalice of the brain. The Gnostic student must raise his seminal energy through the two sympathetic cords that are entwined around the spinal medulla. They form the famous Caduceus of Mercury.

Mental attitude of the Second Position: With willpower, and imagination united in vibrating harmony, the Gnostic student must inflate himself as the toad does. This is possible only with a deep breath. During the inhalation of the vital air, we must imagine that the seminal energy is ascending through the two sympathetic cords, that are marvelously entwined around the spinal medulla. The marvelous seminal energy must be directed towards the brain, then directed towards the heart. We must then exhale the vital air, placing the energy in the temple of the heart. Our motto is Thelema (willpower).

Mantra of this practice:

Imitate the song of the toad. The mysterious croak of the toad is the song, it is the mantra.

Origin of this practice:

The Divine Cosmic Mother gave this marvelous key of the Ark of Science to the Gnostic brethren.

The Divine Mother cares for all of her children. The toad that is upon the inmaculate lotus flower, within the pure waters of life, is an archaic sexual symbol of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

-Yellow Book, Samael aun Weor 



Let the disciple sit down on the ground, crossing his legs in the oriental style. This position is called Padmasana in India.

  • Shut the left nasal cavity with the index finger and inhale the Prana through the right nasal cavity.
  • Now, retain the air while shutting both nasal cavities with the index finger and the thumb.
  • Exhale the air through the left nasal cavity while shutting the right nasal cavity;
  • Inhale now through the left nasal cavity
  • Retain the air again and exhale through the right nasal cavity.

When you are inhaling the air, imagine the sexual energy ascending through the nadi related with the nasal cavity through which you are inhaling the Prana.

Think in the Three Breaths of pure Akasa descending through the nadis Shushumna, Ida and Pingala when you are sending the inhaled Prana downwards, so to awake the chakra Muladhara where the Kundalini abides.

Prana is the purifying fire that cleans the scoria which plugs the nadis.

The veils of Rajas and Tamas are dissipated with the sexual transmutation in Pranayama.

The mind of the student is prepared for Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi with the practice of Pranayama.

The disciple should practice Pranayama ten minutes daily.

The disciple should drink a glass of milk or eat any light food after he finishes the practice.

The disciples can also practice while standing firm on their feet.

The disciple should slowly inhale and exhale with his mind very well concentrated in his practice of Pranayama.

Many Asanas and exercises of Pranayama exist, but the former exercise of Pranayama is enough for the transmutation of the student’s sexual energies.

The disciples can also sit on a comfortable sofa to perform his practices.

Before starting his practices, the disciple must pray to his Innermost by meditating profoundly on Him.

The disciple must be profoundly concentrated in his chakra Muladhara and begging to his Purusha (the Innermost) for the awakening of the Kundalini.

The oriental Yogis give a great variety of exercises for Pranayama.

Let us see: profound respiration, Sukh Purvak (comfortable position),

Pranayama while walking, Pranayama during meditation, rhythmic respiration, Suryabeda, Ujjayi,

Sitkari, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Mucha, Plavini, Kevala Kumvhak, etc.

All of these innumerable varieties of practices and Asanas (postures) served for the descending arch of the evolving life; yet, now we are starting an ascending arch of evolution, and therefore, that enormous quantity of postures and exercises are antiquated for the New Aquarian Era.

Now the Yogis of the New Aquarian Era live a life of intense activity within the cities and they do not need to withdraw Into the solitary forests, because we are initiating the New Aquarian Era. This Era is of sociability, cooperation and confraternity between all human beings without distinction of schools, races, sexes, castes and religions.

All the exercises of Pranayama can be executed in our own home without too many complications and without abandoning the execution of all the responsibilities with our family, society and humanity.

The Yogi must be absolutely chaste; otherwise, he will fail totally.

-The Mysteries of the Fire, Samael Aun Weor